Wednesday 13 April 2016

Seven tips for Dark Souls fans to keep away their frustration

Seven tips for Dark Souls fans to keep away their frustration

Bosses can be bastards in Souls games, and Dark Souls III is no different. Sometimes you'll need to swallow your pride and call for help from other players.
Bandai NamcoBosses can be bastards in Souls games, and Dark Souls III is no different. Sometimes you'll need to swallow your pride and call for help from other players.

    Leading up to the launch of Dark Souls III I’ve had close to a dozen friends, acquaintances, and even strangers tell me something to the effect of this: “I want to get into the Souls games, but they’re too hard and too frustrating.”
I completely understand where they’re coming from, because I was once in their shoes.
I played, grew frustrated with, and rage quit From Software’s original Demon’s Soulsand then later Dark Souls. I would play these enormously challenging games for an hour or so and feel as though I made little or no progress, that I’d just wasted my valuable and limited gaming time. And over the course of several nights of play that sense of frustration – and of wasted time – would grow until eventually I stopped playing and never resumed.
But something changed with Dark Souls II. Not because the game was substantively different from its predecessors (it wasn’t, as far as I could tell), but because of the way I approached it. I had more time to invest. I knew what to expect. I had a fresh sense of determination. And I carried forward some insights that I’d begun to develop playing the first couple of games. Armed with all of these things, I set aside a full evening and dove in headfirst.
And I ended up having a fantastic time. I still died — like, a lot — but after that first night I felt like I was finally beginning to understand what these games are all about. And as I forged deeper and deeper into monster-infested dungeons, still dying frequently along the way, I began to feel a sense of achievement for having accomplished something that not all gamers (including my former self) have the perseverance and fortitude to do.
I was suddenly and completely hooked.
I’d love to help Souls fence-sitters and rookies have a similar eye-opening experience with Dark Souls III. And so I offer the following tips – all of which I wish someone would have told me before I began playing these games years ago.
Bandai Namco
Bandai Namco
1. Set aside plenty of time for each play session
This will prove a tall order for people with hectic schedules, but try to give yourself two or three hours each time you sit down to play. Half-hour and even hour-long sessions are apt to end with you feeling as though you made no tangible progress and that you just wasted your valuable time, making you unlikely to return. Longer sessions, on the other hand, will likely leave your character several levels stronger and with one or two new bonfires reached. You’ll feel like you’ve accomplished something.
2. Learn when to retreat and spend your souls
When you gain enough souls to level up, stop whatever you’re doing and head back to the shrine to spend them. Yes, all the enemies you just killed will respawn and you’ll need to fight them again. But you’ll be stronger, more familiar with the terrain so you know what to expect, and more likely to make it to the next bonfire without dying. And if you do die, you’ll have less to lose. Perhaps more importantly, the level you purchase with your souls will have a strong psychological impact. It representsprogress. It’s one thing that From Software’s gamesmiths, devious though they may be, cannot take away from you (ED Note: except in Demon’s Souls, those bastards).
3. Fight smarter, not harder
I know I just said that levelling is important, but equally important is learning how to fight well. These games are all about skill and tactics – as proven by speedrunners who can beat them in just a couple of hours with low-level characters. Can’t beat a boss? Try moves, magic, and skills you may have been ignoring or avoiding. When facing a crowd, try advancing slowly to draw foes out to fight one by one. Consider using precious items – embers, moss clumps, and resins – you’ve been hoarding to give yourself a momentary advantage. Experiment with weapons of varying range, attack speeds, and skills, and rings that provide a slight elemental or HP edge. Sometimes success may simply be a matter of changing from heavier to lighter armour so that you can move just a hair faster while draining a tad less stamina.
4. Go slow
This is a hard one to overstress. Whenever you find yourself exploring a new area the dangers of which are still unknown, move slowly. Peek around corners before entering rooms. Scan the ceiling for threats from above. Keep your guard up and move at walking speed – if only because walking speed won’t rouse the attention of enemies whose backs may be turned to you, letting you get in a free first strike. Think about how you would act were you in the shoes of your avatar — i.e. fearing for your life with every footstep—and proceed accordingly.  
5. Take time to read explanations, and don’t be afraid to experiment
The Souls games throw a seemingly endless stream of exotic items our way — including dried fingers, pale tongues, and rubbish — sometimes without much clear advice on how or when to use them. Don’t know what an item does? Tap the item info button call up an explanation. If you’re still unsure of its purpose (and you’ll be surprised how often this happens), don’t be afraid to experiment. You’ll never know what a mystery item does if you don’t try using it, and you’ll likely find yourself still learning and appreciating the advantages offered by some items right up until the last battle. Also, you can call up an explanation of what every stat means on your inventory screen, do this often.
6. There’s no shame in calling for a little help
I’m generally not much for online play, so when I first started playing Souls games I pretty much just ignored the online functionality or switched it off altogether. I eventually learned this was a mistake, not just because the notes people leave on the ground can literally save your character’s life, but because there are times when calling for help can save you hours of frustration with a particularly fearsome boss. If an enemy really has your number, use your soapstone to lay down a message offering coop support. Wait a moment for one or more players to answer your call, then pass through the boss fight fog with your new army of knights and slice and dice your foe to bits.
7. When all else fails, try the Internet
Some elements of the Souls experience are so esoteric that you may — by your oversight or the developer’s omission — never stumble across a proper explanation within the game. Example: In Dark Souls III, I had a terrible time understanding what causes (ED note: the following might be considered a spoiler by some, so the text has been made white to conceal it. Highlight the text to read.) “hollowing” (the physical withering of your character) or how to fix it. Turns out that hollowing begins if you accept a free level upgrade from an NPC, then slowly worsens with each death. The only way to reverse it is to acquire Purging Stones, which can only be found in later dungeons or purchased from another NPC. Even then, you’ll still need to spend souls (and potentially hundreds of thousands of them, depending on how long you wait) to heal something called the Dark Sigil in order to properly cure the hollowing. Almost none of this was clear to me within the game, and it was driving me mad. I’d reached hollowing level 99—my knight looked like an oily skeleton—before I decided to try to find an answer online. It took about two minutes. The moral: Try to find solutions within the game (you’ll be proud of yourself when you do), but don’t feel bad if you have to rely on others. The Souls community is always eager to help.

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